What you will learn:

  • How to approach the circular economy through a whole systems lens.
  • Circularity principles and the role intentional design plays in ensuring that materials are recovered within closed loops.
  • How to effectively engage with your upstream and downstream partners in the supply chain - in order to communicate your circularity and sustainable values.

Course curriculum

  1. 2
    • ...and why the conversation doesn’t end here.

    • Eco-Design Principles

    • Summary: Shades of Green

  2. 3
    • Overview of Designing for Recovery

    • Designing for Recycling Strategies

    • Designing for Organic Recovery

    • Designing Compostable Materials

    • Summary: Design for Recovery

  3. 4
    • Materials to Use

    • Materials with Recycled Content

    • Renewable Materials

    • Eliminating Hazardous Materials

    • Summary: Materials to Use

  4. 5
    • Why is transparency and openness so important?

    • Open and Transparent Communication

    • Environmental Marketing and Regulations

    • Labelling Guidelines

    • Communicating the Benefits of Circular Products

    • Summary: Open and Transparent Communication

  5. 6
    • Intro to Our Waste Systems

    • Types of Recycling Processes

    • End-Markets for Recycled Materials

    • Organic Recovery Processes

    • Energy Recovery Processes

    • Waste Policy and Advocacy

    • Maps of Waste Infrastructure

    • Summary: Our Waste Systems

  6. 7
    • Renewable Products and Suppliers

    • Comparison of Renewable Materials

    • Summary: Renewable Products and Suppliers

  7. 8
    • Life Cycle Analysis

    • Calculating GHGs

    • Other Life Cycle Metrics

    • Summary: Intro to Life Cycle Analysis

  8. 9
    • Aligning Conversations with Client Sustainability Motivations

    • Encouraging Sustainable Choices

    • Summary: Shifting Consumer Behaviour

  9. 10
    • Exit survey

    • Exit Survey

    • Thank you!